“I thank Turker Inanoglu who has contributed to Turkish Cinema for 25 years with sensitivity for arts and I wish the continuation of his success from now on as well.” TEVFİK KORALTAN - Minister of Culture (03.09.1980)

“I appreciate and thank Mr. Turker Inanoglu for his works. As the Minister of Culture of Turkish Republic, I wish to state that we will always give him the necessary support so that this museum can pass on to next generations as a cultural heritage.” İSTEMİHAN TALAY - Minister of Culture and Tourism (22.05.2002)

“I would like to thank Mr. Turker for crowning his services by establishing such a museum after having contributed so much to cinema which is a substantial element of our culture. As the Ministry of Culture, we will hold our end up for surviving this splendid museum.” HÜSEYİN ÇELİK - Minister of Culture and Tourism (23.02.2003)

“It’s giving a great pleasure to see that unexplored documents of the archives of institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Culture will be displayed here and will set light to younger generations. I, hereby would like to thank Mr. Turker Inanoglu.” ERKAN MUMCU - Minister of Culture and Tourism (18.07.2005)

“Dear Mr. Inanoglu, I am sure that everyone who has seen your accomplishments in this museum has thanked you, I will too. On the other hand, I would like to thank as well our artists and workers. Seeing them all here in this museum has taken me back in time.” ATİLLA KOÇ - Minister of Culture and Tourism (30.03.2007)

“Touring TURVAK invigorated with the great efforts of Mr. Turker Inanoglu, is like taking a wonderful and thrilling journey into the history of Turkish cinema… Thank you so much.” ERTUĞRUL GÜNAY - Minister of Culture and Tourism (11.04.2008)